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#demographic造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Yet 50 years ago Japan faced a demographic crisis of another sort: a population explosion.在50年前,日本却面临着另一个人口危机:人口激增。

2、Demographic Decline Fueled further.进一步导致人口的下降。

3、Even so, the looming demographic challenges present an opportunity that Mr Kan should seize.既便如此,已隐约出现的人口挑战还是带了机遇,菅直人应该抓住机会。

4、Can Africa capitalise on the demographic dividend?非洲能否将人口红利兑现?

5、This demographic problem has been coming for some time.人口结构的问题已经出现一段时间了。

6、Urbanisation is part of the solution to Africa's demographic problems, not a manifestation of them.城市化是非洲人口问题的解决途径之一,而不是其表现。

7、This could happen either when the favourable demographic trend worsens or urbanisation ends.当有利的人口统计学趋势恶化,或城市化进程结束时,都可能出现这种局面。

8、Most explanations of the demographic transition are social.对于人口结构转化的解释大都出自社会学角度。

9、And then, of course, there's the long-term demographic trend.接下来,当然是长期的人口统计动向。

10、However, hairy legs are hardly a problem among the dolls' target demographic of girls ages 5 to 7.然而,这些娃娃的目标群体是5到7岁的女孩儿,腿毛对她们来说还不是问题。

11、The U.S. also has a demographic advantage.美国还有人口优势。

12、The poverty trap would become a demographic trap.贫穷问题会变为一个人口问题。

13、The information system also included health, spatial and demographic data.该信息系统还包括健康、空间和人口数据。

14、Multivariable regression analysis was performed to identify demographic predictors of tobacco use.开展了多元回归分析,用以确定吸烟的人口学预测值。

15、So far East Asia’s economies have reaped the most dramatic demographic dividend.到目前为止,东亚经济体都取得了最引人注目的人口红利。

16、The demographic bonus became a demographic onus.人口统计上的奖励变成了负担。

17、A demographic dividend does not automatically generate growth.人口红利并不会自动产生经济增长。

18、First, there is a demographic change taking place.首先,人口结构正发生变化。

19、By the mid-19th century most of Europe was in the first stage of the demographic transition.到19世纪中叶,欧洲的大部分地区处于人口转变的第一阶段。

20、For example, the economic and demographic character of early New England towns varied considerably.例如,早期新英格兰城镇的经济和人口特征差别很大。

21、Whenever an Indian demographic appears as a numerator, the resulting number looks big.无论什么时候用印度的人口作为分子,由此得出的结果看上去都是很大的。

22、The main problems of scarcity are water and food shortages, demographic change and state failure.而匮乏的主要诱因是水及食物短缺、人口结构变化和国家政策的失败。

23、Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors.市场是由真实的人构成的,而不是干巴的数据部门。

24、The demographic dividend comes around only once.人口红利仅此一次,失不再来。

25、Now, these countries are peaceful, prospering and likely to benefit from the demographic dividend.然而现在,这些国家和平祥和,欣欣向荣,极有可能从人口红利中获利。

26、National demographic inheritances therefore matter.因此国家的人口传承是很重要的。

27、One consequence is a demographic crisis that is expected to drag down growth.其后果就是人口危机拖累增长。

28、The demographic transition is thus, in part, a pure accident因此,一定意义上来说,人口结构的转换是一场纯粹的意外。

29、However, other nations are in a worse demographic position.然而,其他各国的人口结构更糟。

30、But a demographic snag lies in the way.但是一份人口危机也横梗在了改革的路上。

demographic翻译a. 人口统计的【法】 人口统计的, 人口学的 详情




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